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There is nothing more powerful than having something in your hand.  It reiinforces the message, you can read it over and over.  Our mailing will get to your Consultants and remind them, visually, of their status.

Created in full color, glossy post cards, you'll be proud to have your Consultants receive one.

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You already know how eCards work in MKIntouch, so the concept isn't unique.  What is unique are the designs of the eCards we send.  Our service creates rich, information-packed content that cen be inserted into any eCard.

For the Consultant who has email on her phone, what a great way of using the power of MKIntouch and the simplicity of our service.

Did you know that 90% of text messages are read within 10 minutes? And if you send a message that falls into that 10%, you’ll be happy to know that on average, Consultants will look at their phones 150 times a day.  Keep them in the know of their changing status by using our MMS texting service. 

MMS stands for "Multimedia Messaging Service" and that means not only will they receive a text but also a corresponding image that further emphasies the message.

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Video messaging is an important tool in your communciation with Consultants. .

For the Consultant who has email on her phone, what a great way of using the power of MKIntouch and the simplicity of our service to send an email with a video attached.

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